Everyone should be happy with who they are and what they look like. These tips and tricks will not change who you are or what you look like, only improve the great features you already have! Just to make you a little bit more confident about yourself.
And believe it or not, selfconfidence is the best beautyproduct there is! And the best part, it's for free.
Part One is all about hair.
First of all it's very important to take good care of your hair. Beautiful, healthy hair does so much for your look.
-Start with using a shampoo and conditioner that are good for your hair-type. There are a lot of different types of hair, and a lot of different types of shampoo and conditioner. If you don't know what type of hair you have, ask someone at the drugstore.
-Don't shower too hot. It wil ruin your hair. It doesn't have to be icecold, but make sure you stay under 30 degrees Celsius when washing your hair.
-Don't use excessive amounts of hair product.
-Don't use hot tools too often, and when you do, apply a heat-protectant 30 minutes before.
-Don't tie your hair up too often or too tight, because it will break your hair.
-Use a home-made (Or bought, that's okay too) hair-mask weekly. I'll post my own recipe on here too.
You should also make sure your hair matches your face-shape. This can make such a difference!
Generally there are four different face-shapes; round, oval, square and heart. There are a lot more but they are mostly quite similar to these four.
To find out what shape face you have you can look in a mirror and point out these spots:

Connect the dots and see what shape it is.
If your face is longer than it is wide, with soft features, your face is oval, which is considered the most ideal.
If your face is about as long as it is wide, but with soft features, you have a round face.
If your jaw is quite narrow compared to the cheekbones and forehead, and your chin is quite pointy, your face is heart shaped.
If your face is about as long as it is wide, or slightly longer and you have sharp features and angels, your face is square.
As you can see my face is oval. This means I can pretty much wear every hairstyle. The only thing you have to bear in mind is that oval faces are long, and you don't want to elongate it with a super straight hairstyle. Side swept bangs are an option if you find your oval face too long.
People that have round faces actually do want to elongate their face. To make your face look a little less round, make sure you pick a hairstyle that has a lot of layers and texture. You should stay away from straight bangs, because they shorten your face, which you probably don't want.

With a heart-shaped face, you might want to consider loose bangs, especially side swept bangs. You want to make your forehead appear smaller. Since you have a strong and sharp jaw, you don't want to much short layers around your jaw area, which will narrow your chin even more.
If you have a square face, waves and layers are your best friend. Parting your hair near the middle, and wearing it in fun loose layers around your face, will cut the edges off your forehead, and will soften out your jawline.
Hope you liked it :) More tips on how to be the best version of you soon!
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